Verified News Community, we are side by side for the long haul. That’s why I like to keep you in the loop with what we are doing behind the scenes at Verified News Network (VNN) and why. After all, we are building a better news network together. Your news network.
And I am pretty pleased with the work we are doing together here lately.
For me, the “Stop Doing” was a new kind of list.
Surprising. I have been making lists for decades. How could this one have squeaked by me for so long?
Probably because I am no quitter. I start something, I keep going. I don’t quit. I never give up!
But, as I continued to grow as an entrepreneur (and a human!), I eventually learned that quitting isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it’s often a great thing.
As a news entrepreneur, I’m constantly looking for new ways to make our news business more sustainable. When I came across the LION-GNI Sustainability Audits program, I was thrilled. An audit and funding program that identifies roadblocks and offers recommendations on how to overcome them.
After four years of building our independent news network, this was just what we needed.
Success! We were accepted. I put us through the audit process and received our recommendations.
OUCH. First on my list of recommendations was another list: The Stop Doing List.
Check out what happened next in our latest VNN post.