Here’s a look at the week’s top stories:
Officer faces second degree murder charge in killing of Patrick Lyoya
(MICHIGAN) Christopher Schurr, the Grand Rapids Police Department officer who shot and killed 26-year-old Patrick Lyoya on April 4, now faces a second degree murder charge.
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Most legislative efforts to lower Oklahoma court fines and fees failed this year
(OKLAHOMA) State lawmakers seemed poised to overhaul Oklahoma’s system of court fines and fees, but efforts to remove fines and fees written into state law failed this legislative session.
Community feedback sought in FATE learning series
(OKLAHOMA) This June and July, VNN and VNN Affiliate Big If True are holding a learning series called From Adversity To Entrepreneurship (FATE) to explore what is needed on the path of adversity to entrepreneurship, the community benefits of taking that path, and the barriers that stand in the way.
(NATIONAL) Dangerous heat to continue across the Southwest before cooler temperatures arrive, dangerous heat to continue across the Southern/Central Plains then shift farther north and east, and strong to severe storms possible across portions of the Northern/Central Plains, Ohio Valley, and Mid Atlantic.
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